Trauma and Recovery: The Role of Literature in Emotional Healing

Due to the ongoing war in Israel, I am writing to let you know about changes to the next presentation in the series the 21st Annual Contemporary Israeli Voices.

The next presentation will be given by Ayelet Goshen-Gundar. In addition to being a writer, Ayelet works as the chief psychologist at Eliezer mental health clinic in Shalvata hospital. She is considered an emergency worker, and she is helping the survivors in the South of Israel. Her presentation will be on the same original date, Thursday, October 19, but there are a few changes.

The presentation will be offered via Webinar. The presentation time has moved from 8:00PM to 4:30 PM to account for the time difference between the States and Israel.

The webinar link is

Ayelet’s new subject is “Trauma and Recovery: The Role of Literature in Emotional Healing” to account for the recent situation in Israel.

There will be no changes to our next presentation on October 26 at Daniel Family Commons at 8:00 PM.  It will be presented in person by another Ayelet, Ayelet Tsabari. The title of her talk is Memoir, Fiction and What’s in Between. B ’Shalom, Dalit Katz