Here is the preview of Fall 2010 courses in JIS at Wesleyan. For more updated information about courses, events, and the Program see our new JIS-Booklet Fall 2010.
To meet faculty and learn more about JIS at Wesleyan, come and stop by our table at the Academic Forum on September 2, 2:30-4:30 at the Freeman Athletic Center, Wesleyan.
Gateway courses:
HIST247: Jewish History: From Biblical Israel to Diaspora Jews
Prof. Magda Teter, Mon-Wed, 1:10-2:30PM in PAC002
RELI201: Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
Prof. Annalise Glauz-Todrank, Tue-Th, 10:30-11:50AM, Butterfield A 413
Hebrew Language and Literature:
HEBR101: Elementary Hebrew I
Prof. Katz,Dalit, M.W.F. 10-10:50AM, Fisk 210
HEBR201: Intermediate Hebrew I
Prof. Dalit Katz, M.W.F. 11-11:50AM, Fisk 210
HEBR210: Hebrew Literature
Prof. Dalit Katz, Tuesday-Thursday 10:30-11:50AM, Religion SEM
Elective Courses:
COL311: Spinoza’s ETHICS
Prof. Brian Fay, Monday, 7-9:50PM, Russel House, Seminar Room
COL324: Freud and Psychoanalysis
Prof. Paul Schwaber, Tuesday-Thursday, 2:40-4 PM, Butterfield C 314
GOVT270: Comparative Politics of the Middle East
Prof. Anne Peters, Tuesday-Thursday 2:40-4 PM, Judd Hall B6;
GOVT344: Religion and Politics
Prof. Nancy Schwartz, Monday-Wednesday, 1:10-2:30PM, PAC104;
GRST250: Cultural Criticism and Aesthetic Theory: Walter Benjamin and Theodor Adorno
Prof. Urlich Plass, Tuesday-Thursday 10:30-11:50AM, Fisk 404
HIST210: American Jewish History: 1492-2001
Prof. Ronald Schatz, Monday-Wednesday, 2:40-4 PM, Allbritton 004;
HIST234: The Middle East in the 20th Century
Prof. Bruce Masters, M.W.F. 9-9:50AM, PAC001;

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